Executive Cabinet Leadership
- Advised President, senior University administrative officers, and Board of Regents issues through reports, presentations, recommendations, and findings.
- Developed grant opportunities and managed grants and sponsored programs to enhance relationships with external funders and community partners.
Facilitated Improvement Management Plan:
(1) Academic Program Offerings,
(2) Course Offerings, and
(3) Faculty Productivity Guidelines - Led institutions through successful regional SACSCOC reaffirmation of accreditation via decennial review successfully (with no recommendations-2019).

- Assured the development of quality faculty, academic administrators, and support staff.
- Established Center for Teaching and Learning to encourage and support faculty research and to train faculty in best practices in the classroom and in remote.
Facilitated enrollment and retention projects:
(1) Courseleaf Registration Software,
(2) DegreeWorks Advising Software, (Online Curriculum Guides) - Pioneered university-wide "One-Stop" Student Success Centers
- Collaborated with the Board of Regents to implement policy and procedures for Board actions and assisted with the development of university guidelines.
- Establish University Writing Center to provide writing support to undergraduate and graduate students in one-on-one consultations and workshops.
- Identified and supported the acquisition and management of cutting-edge instructional techniques, technology, and support to ensure high-quality online and in-person instruction
- Served as University liaison for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV)

- Created a sustainable grant-writing office to promote faculty and student scholarship, research, and creative productivity.
- Establish partnerships with legislators and community stakeholders.
- Manage E&G funds; Secured and managed more than 3.1 million dollars in external funds to develop academic support systems.
- Streamlined academic advising processes and individualized student development plans to support and increase student progress and retention.
- Developed strategic plans for retention and student success, enrollment, community engagement, academic programs, diversity plan, and graduate studies.
- Facilitated promotion and tenure process and faculty appointments, reappointments; faculty development, mentoring, professional development, and ongoing staff development.
- Managed Southern Regional Education Board coordinating the Academic Common Market application process.
- Worked effectively with internal and external university constituencies to enrich, affirm.

Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness
- Conducted workshop at an annual Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) meeting.
- Managed Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) regional accreditation efforts, including reaffirmation of accreditation.
- Served as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation liaison (Led successful regional SACSCOC reaffirmation of accreditation via decennial review (with no recommendations-2019)

- Developed assessment plans and reports for academic units and non-academic units.
- Managed Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Substantive Change and periodic reports, as well as provided monitoring, tracking, and support for specialized program accreditations.
- Served on the SACSCOC Ad Hoc Committee on Substantive Change; SACSCOC Onsite and Off-site Evaluator.
- Ensured the overall quality of academic programs and the academic experience of students.
- Oversaw assessment of student learning outcomes; monitor ongoing evaluation and program review of all academic programs.
- Served on various College initiatives for specialized program accreditation; managed the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) accreditation process and provided divisional leadership for the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC).
- Facilitated curriculum-mapping procedures to review the operational curriculum and student learning outcomes within academic units.
- Provided leadership for the development and implementation of outcomes assessment workshops and consultation services for programs and units.
- Served as State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) institutional liaison and serve on Instructional Programs Advisory Committee (IPAC).
- Facilitated compliance with university and program reviews and accreditation, as well as student performance
- Served as University liaison for the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) and Southern Regional Education Board coordinating the Academic Common Market application process
- Used institutional research to make data-informed decisions that have been effective and fruitful
Academic and Faculty Affairs
- Attracted quality faculty and then anticipate, accommodate, and plan for their needs.
- Created educational pilot programs that have reinforced meaningful local stakeholder partnerships in workforce development.
- Engaged with faculty and faculty governing bodies to ensure shared governance; conducted workshops on academic program review at SACSCOC annual meetings.

- Created Guided Pathways and Dual Credit Programs to prepare students for the workforce and for service.
- Develop a new faculty performance evaluation process, including faculty evaluation review and Faculty Handbook compliance.
- Established a faculty mentoring institute to welcome and integrate new faculty into the university’s environment.
- Conduct a review of all academic programs for viability and to develop an online curriculum to offer online bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
- Develop SACSCOC Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP); served on the executive and implementation committees for the QEP.
- Managed transfer and articulation agreements for State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV).

- Conducted faculty development sessions as part of the auditing of measurable student learning outcomes.
- Develop action plans to assess online curricula, to review academic programs for quality, and to offer more viable online degree programs.
- Partnered with academic units to develop and implement university-based advising and academic support services.
- Created instructional cost-saving strategies that, among other things, eliminated under-enrolled courses, balanced faculty overloads, and reduced adjunct instructor budgets.
- Established a Center for Teaching and Learning to encourage and support faculty research and to train faculty in best practices in the classroom and in remote instruction.
- Supervised the Certificate of Advanced Credit Standing program, which fostered successful student learning outcomes.

Enrollment, Retention and Student Success
- Consolidated student enrollment and student services along with a First-Year Experience office
- Ensured access to quality and effective learning support services for student success and retention across programs and campus
- Established four-week summer orientation programs for prospective first-year undergraduate students
- Managed transfer and articulation agreements for State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV)

- Developed strategic plans for retention and student success, enrollment, community engagement, academic programs, diversity plan, and graduate studies
- Established Academic Support Systems (tutoring centers); enhanced and expanded technology-assisted learning support services, such as the Research and Statistical Laboratory, Smarthinking online tutoring tool, and an online writing lab.
- Established semester-long mentoring program pairing these same undergraduates with volunteer faculty and staff mentors from different university divisions.
- Partnered with academic units to develop and implement university-based advising and academic support services.
- Designed a comprehensive student-centered advising model to support and improve student retention and student graduation rates
- Establish University Writing Center to provide writing support to undergraduate and graduate students in one-on-one consultations and workshops
Facilitated enrollment and retention projects:
(1) Courseleaf Registration Software,
(2) DegreeWorks Advising Software, (Online Curriculum Guides) - Partnered with counseling services and the Women’s Center to develop student workshops

- Developed an interactive Academic Early Alert System (keyed to course attendance and performance); enhanced Intrusive Academic Advising; established male and female mentoring programs.
- Established the League of Extraordinary Male initiative to recruit and retain students.
Facilitated enrollment and retention projects:
(1) Courseleaf Registration Software,
(2) DegreeWorks Advising Software, and Online Curriculum Guides - Pioneered university-wide "One-Stop" Student Success Centers
- Developed and maintained strong records and statistical data regarding engagement, retention and program participation;
- Enhanced mentoring program matching first-year undergraduates with student liaisons (upperclassmen and women) from related academic majors and/or with career aspirations that reflect those of the undergraduates themselves.
- Implemented a multi-faceted, comprehensive student-support program that improved student transition, retention, and graduation rates
- Supervised the Certificate of Advanced Credit Standing program, which fostered successful student learning outcomes

Financial Acumen

Managed an annual state-appropriated budget of $200,000 to support pilot projects.

Received grant awards awarded by Wal-Mart, Lumina Foundation, and Department of Education (Title III).

Secured and managed more than 3.1 million dollars in external funds to develop academic support systems.
Legislative Affairs and Community Partnerships
- Addressed and satisfied mandates outlined in Kentucky Senate Bill 270 (SB 270), House Bill 250 (HB 250), and the Council on Postsecondary Education
- Facilitated pilot projects efforts to prepare more teachers of color; increase nursing pipeline; addressed health education, wellness, and food insecurity issues in West Louisville, KY

- Created educational pilot programs that have reinforced meaningful local stakeholder partnerships in workforce development
- Managed the aspiring teacher education and nursing dual credit program designed to increase the pool of skilled professionals
- Developed action plan for Senate Bill -270 West Louisville Pilot
- Partnered with local high schools to provide students with an opportunity to earn college credits and certificates

- Employed technology to track, document, and assess the effectiveness of divisional operation and student services
- Provided leadership to engineer a partnership with Norfolk city officials to develop an incubation center for business start-ups
- Engaged with industry leaders and innovators lays the groundwork for pipelines to increase economic activity within the state to provide opportunities for students
- Worked with the State Legislature to promote academics and fiscal stability